When i look at photos of Sophia being silly,
or pictures where she looks vibrant and full of life.....its so hard to believe how she feels underneath it all. Since she was 5 weeks old my sweet daughter has never felt completely normal...i never realized until recently how bad she has always felt.
A couple of Days before her 6 week checkup Sophia came down with Pertussis. My sweet baby was poked and prodded over and over...she never cried, never wimpered just watched everything and everyone around her (as much as a 5 week old could) she was in isolation for 10 days...fighting for her little life.
as the years went by she was always sick....more sick days than well days.
When my job took our family to Breckenridge Colorado when she was two...she was sick nearly every day. We finally figured out that she had altitude sickness, constant vertigo that never went away...watching her walk was like watching a drunken sailor. The town of Breckenridge sits at one of the highest altitudes in the country. Needless to say...we had to move back to sea level.
When she started school she missed more days than she went....one thing after another. They wanted to bring me to court regarding her attendance. If you looked at her funny she got sick.... The most common thing out of her mouth was complaints of nausea. Her file at the doctor was beginning to look like a novel...a medical mystery of sorts, because we could never pinpoint what was wrong.
In 5th grade she came down with a virus that settled in her C-spine. Her muscles were so weak she could not hold up her head and had to wear a neck brace for a month...and missed the last 5 weeks of school.
I could go on and on about all of the strange viruses and symptoms she has had for the last 18 years....
Then the other day she came in the house and fainted, and the roller coaster of symptoms began yet again. Nauseated, blurred vision, fatigue, back aches, muscle ache, pain in her abdomen. Crazyness!....because when you look at her she appears perfect.
When i look back now i realize that Sophia has probably not had a "normal feeling" day in her life. I cannot express how sad that makes me feel. I have always felt like her doctor must think i am nuts always bringing her in to try and figure out why she is always sick....until Monday when everything changed.
We went in to see her pediatrician yet again....and he went through the normal series of questions and tests. He tested her reflexes and they were hypersensitive, i could see her doctors face become a bit more concerned as the visit went on...and a conversation about salt came up. Salt!.....who would have known that Sophias intense craving for salt her whole life would lead to an incredible amount of lab tests. She used to eat butter just for the salt...(eww )Just goes to show you have to tell your doctor every thing...even things you might not think matter...they do!
She is such a trooper...
She is so comfy....putting the lab tech at ease. Joking, laughing....coping.
and scared. Im scared....and mad. Mad that it has taken this long to finally have a direction to look. Mad that it has taken this long to start getting to the bottom of why she is always fatigued....mad that we didn't have more of a clue while she was in school. They are testing for kidney diseases and a few other possibilities.
Please keep my darling girl in your thoughts and prayers...I would love for her to know what it is to feel truly healthy...inside and out.